Milo - our school therapy dog
Hello families of Nelson, My name is Milo and I am part of the Paws & Read programme. I will be coming to Nelson Infant School once a week to have a small number of children read to me (you will receive a individual consent letter in advance if your child will be reading to Milo). Milo gives children a private opportunity to practice and enjoy reading away from peers or an audience to help increase their confidence and enjoyment in reading.
mental health and well-being
Understanding ourselves, our needs and our struggles is extremely important to us at Nelson infant School - for staff, children and families to know when to ask for support and for children to understand when they are struggling. We prioritise the well-being of our entire school community over and above everything else.
Click this link to download our Mental Health and Well-being Policy /norfolk/primary/nelson/arenas/websitecontent/web/mentalhealthandwell-beingpolicy_20221014142357794.pdf
We work with the Ormiston Families mental Health Team who have a case load of families they work with. They are trained in helping young people to take care of their mental health by recognising the impact of their difficult thoughts and feelings. They work directly with parents to implement interventions under their guidance. They have a guide to who they are and what they do - see below.