Our aim at Nelson Infant School is to ignite our children’s curiosity about the world around them, develop the children’s perception of themselves as part of that world and their role within it. Our children will become geography explorers armed with a desire for discovery and an inquisitive mind.

At Nelson Infant School we understand the importance of Geography as a tool that enables us to explore the workings of our planet and the diverse people who inhabit it. Through our knowledge based curriculum we strive to develop a curiosity of our world and develop the children’s perception of themselves as part of that world and their role within it.
To foster our children’s curiosity we use the Primary Knowledge Curriculum which gives children a deeper understanding of physical and geographical processes and gives them a firm foundation of knowledge and skills. We also intend for children to become passionate and knowledgeable about our local community and beyond, by learning through experiences in practical and fieldwork activities.
Geography lessons will have a strong Oracy focus where children will be able to develop their geographical vocabulary and articulate concepts such as space, place and the environment.
Our geographical curriculum enables children:
To probe and question the workings of our planet
To investigate and compare a range of places in Britain and around the world
To develop our geographical skills by interpreting and using a range of geographical resources such as maps, globes, diagrams and aerial photographs.
To develop and use fieldwork and observational skills.
Geography is taught within the ‘knowledge and understanding the world’ strand with a focus on the Early Learning Goal of ‘People, culture and Communities’. Children will talk about and observe their immediate environment. They will explore and discuss different cultural communities and countries and notice similarities and differences This will be achieved through use in provision of maps, stories, non-fiction texts, role play, imaginative play, small world play and constant discussions with adults and peers.
Our geography curriculum has been designed to be both knowledge rich and coherently sequenced. Each year the geography curriculum begins with a spatial sense unit which explicitly teaches geographical skills of map reading and creating. This is then built on by exploring the different localities around the UK followed by detailed exploration and comparisons of locations of the wider world. Through this the concept of human and physical geography and children’s geographical and fieldwork skills are developed. By teaching this way children master the knowledge and concepts whilst building up an extended specialist vocabulary.
To excite and engage our geography explorers we will start each unit with a ‘hook or wow moment’ to develop our line of enquiry. Each session children are given a learning question and ‘Steps to Success’ criteria to enable all learners to achieve their objective. Children are supported and challenged throughout lessons, by ‘Step for depth’ tasks. A ‘prior knowledge’ question is set at the beginning of each lesson to check for retention of concepts and overall understanding. At the end of each unit, the children have an end of unit quiz to assess their knowledge and see in future lessons what specifically needs to be a focus.
To enhance our children’s desire for discovery we understand the importance of first hand experiences. This is achieved through visitors, workshops, artefacts and trips out. This not only promotes awe and wonder but allows children to embed their knowledge and understanding of the unit and enriches the specialist geographical vocabulary they are developing.
Learning Sequences -
Prior Learning – What do the children already know? How do you know?
Vocabulary – Introduce, rehearse, recap keywords
Teach – teaching of the content and skills needed for success. Ensure there is modelling, checking and questioning,
Talk Task – learn/discuss the particular content through discussion and conversation.
Task– application of the knowledge learned in different contexts – these will show appropriate challenge for all.
Step for depth – question to deepen knowledge/understanding
- Assess/Review – check what the children know now through low takes assessment and identify next steps
During their time at Nelson Infant School our geography curriculum enables children to leave KS1 with the ability to see themselves not only as part of their immediate surroundings but also part of that larger world. They will have developed a coherent understanding of geographical concepts such as migration and climate, and be more skilled to answer questions such as ‘What is it like to live in this place?’ Through exploring our geography curriculum children will gain an understanding of what geographers do, what they look for and what they say about a place.
Through our geography curriculum children will:
be engaged and challenged
through differentiated learning, children will be challenged at the correct level so all can succeed
make good and better progress from their starting points
develop an understanding of and compare/contrast our local area and the wider world
talk enthusiastically about geography
Assessment and monitoring in science:
• Lesson observations, book monitoring and learning walks
• Gathering pupil voice
• Moderating pupils work to ensure accurate assessments are made
Key Websites to support planning and assessment:
Primary Knowledge Curriculum
National Geographic
National Curriculum for Geography
BBC Bitesize