Welcome to Nelson!
We are happy you are here!
At Nelson, our core values are kindness, honesty and respect. Everyone is important and brings their own unique character to our community, which is vibrant, diverse and friendly. You will find all the information you need here before you and your child join us at Nelson Infant School.
Below are the two most important admissions documents - both must be completed before your child can start. There are a few different ways you can complete them:
- Follow the microsoft forms links on your initial admissions email and complete online
- Download (links below), complete and email to office@nelson.norfolk.sch.uk
- Request a printed paper copy from office@nelson.norfolk.sch.uk, complete and return to school
- Free school meals application form can be completed directly at https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/education-and-learning/schools/school-meals-and-milk
Click on the links below to find out all the information you need! If you can't locate something, have any questions or queries, or just want to say hello, please get in touch with Carly, our school business manager, or our headteacher Anna via office@nelsoninfant.org.uk. Reception parents are invited to join a half termly stay and play session with their child (days/times tbc) and we host a range of family learning events such as termly learning showcases, sing n share and larger whole-school events such as our Summer festival and seasonal performances. We are looking to diversify our family workshops this year to include Macramé, cooking, gardening and hopefully many more.
We have an amazing PTFA (Parent, Teacher and Friends Association) who lead on many of these events and raise crucial funds - they are always looking for new members so please let us know if you would like to find out more!
Please make sure that you let us know of any specific medical considerations or allergies via the registration form. If your child has asthma, we will be in touch to ask you to complete an asthma care form. Please also note that we are a nut-free school.