Reporting absence:
Parent/carers must inform the school office between 7.45 - 8.30am on each day of their child’s absence either by calling the school office on 01603 620344,
If a child is absent from school without a reason being provided, the office staff will contact parent/carers to ascertain the reasons for any absences.
Reporting lateness:
If your child arrives after 8.30am they must enter via the main entrance on Northumberland Street and report to the office, a member of staff will then escort them to their classroom.
If you know you child will be late please call the school office on 01603 620344.
Persistent lateness will have an impact on your child’s attendance.
Illness & Medical Appointments:
Whenever possible we encourage parent/carers to provide supporting medical evidence for any absence relating to illness or medical appointments. We are not necessarily looking for a letter from your doctor which may be chargeable to you, but medical evidence such as an appointment card/text or a prescription record. We always advise appointments to be taken out of school hours whenever possible. Headlice is often an issue in Primary schools, advice on treating them is below. Please note headlice is not a valid reason to be absent from school and will be unauthorised.
Click on the PDF below to view our Illness Guide.
Please scroll down to find links to our legal attendance letter, medicine form and absence request forms.

Illness & Medication/Inhalers at school:
If your child is unwell at school, we will contact you via phone to come and collect them, IT IS VITAL WE ALWAYS HAVE YOUR MOST UP TO DATE CONTACT NUMBERS.
The school will also contact you if your child has had a bump to the head or facial injury at school. Depending on the severity and action taken/required, this will either be via school ping or phone call.
Medication, either prescribed or over the counter can be administered at school as long as a consent form is completed by a parent/carer (form below).
Inhalers need to be in date, clearly labeled and a spacer provided if necessary. These will be kept in your child’s classroom for quick access. An asthma form will need to be completed and returned to the school office (form below).
Term time leave:
Holidays in term time can not be authorised.
Permission for term-time absence will only be authorised if there are exceptional circumstances. An application must be made in advance and the head teacher must be satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances based on the individual facts and circumstances of the case which warrant the leave.
If a leave of absence is granted, the head teacher will determine the number of days a pupil can be away from school. A leave of absence is granted entirely at the head teacher’s discretion. If the school does not receive a request for leave, the head teacher will be unable to consider your individual circumstances and the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.
If your child has an individual medical need the school needs to be aware of, such as diabetes, severe food allergy, please contact our SENco via email:
Attendance of all children at Nelson Infant school is regularly monitored internally by office/SLT staff and externally by an Attendance Officer. If poor attendance is significant, parents will be contacted asking them to meet with a school representative to discuss the issue and action a plan together to improve attendance.