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Vision and Values

Our Vision and Values link strongly with our behaviour system and capture our whole school aspirations. These posters are displayed prominently in every classroom and in shared areas around the school.


At Nelson we are honest, kind and respectful. These are our three key values and to us this means:

  • We are truthful and trustworthy
  • We are kind, helpful and mindful
  • We are considerate, attentive and thoughtful

The children agree to

Parent/Carers agree to

The school agrees to

Follow the school values

Praise your child for all their successes

Have high expectations of behaviour and learning

Read daily

Read with your child daily

Create a safe and happy environment

Wear our school uniform

Send your child to school every day, on time, ready to learn

Reward and celebrate achievements

Ask for help when we need it

Stay in touch/communicate with the school

Provide opportunities for activities after and outside of school


Attend half termly meetings with your child’s teacher

Be intolerant of any kind of prejudice

Be ready to work hard

Let the school know if your child is ill or has a problem

Deal urgently and effectively with bullying

Come to school every day

Make sure your child has their school uniform and PE kit

Get in touch if your child is not in school


Encourage high standards of behaviour

Plan exciting, purposeful and challenging learning


Let you know how your child is getting on.

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