our vision
Our dream is that every child leaves our schools with a deep understanding and knowledge of maths concepts, an enjoyment of the subject and a developing resilience to problem solve and curiosity to find out more.
Progress is measured by children knowing more and remembering more and assessment of the impact of our strategies will be via frequent, low stakes testing and summative tests with full analysis to identify gaps and determine future learning.
The teaching of maths will be active and challenging with children feeling successful and positive. Our calculation policy, developed to ensure depth and mastery at each stage, will be implemented alongside CPA modelling to foster progressive and versatile understanding. The use of prior learning and high quality assessment for learning opportunities is crucial. High quality teaching strategies will build on the White Rose Curriculum as a model of progression. We also use the NCETM to enhance our teaching with opportunities to develop fluency and mastery. Download our annual overviews of learning for Year 1 and Year 2.
The design of the curriculum is based on a mastery philosophy underpinned by an expectation that children will understand the concepts at a deep level before moving on to their next step of learning. This approach depends on maths being designed in context alongside problem solving activities and investigations where possible. Opportunities to develop fluency by regular practice and overlearning throughout the maths session and daily maths meeting, alongside opportunities to articulate reasoning to further develop understanding are key to ensuring children know more and remember more.
Click HERE to download our Addition and Subtraction calculation policy and over HERE for our Multiplication and Division calculation policy.

The National Curriculum for Mathematics is at the heart of our learning intentions but we choose to follow a mastery based curriculum to help pupils develop a deep and secure knowledge and understanding of mathematics at each stage of their learning It facilitates all children being able to know more and remember more by giving them time to learn and explore. The EAT scheme of work will be broadly based on the White Rose Maths Schemes. Its success is based on careful planning from these resources to ensure that it is personalised for the needs of our children.
The DfE non-statutory guidance will be used to supplement and support the planning. The NCETM PowerPoints linked to each of the ready to progress criteria can support teachers CPD as well as lesson planning and blended learning.. The NCETM (National Centre for the Excellence of Teaching Mathematics) is also a resource to be used to support the teaching and learning. The mastery assessment booklets and the primary mastery development guidance support the teachers in their subject knowledge and ideas for content in the lessons, over and above the White Rose where personalisation is needed.
NRICH continues to be a website to use for developing problem solving and reasoning. The curriculum mapping document gives ideas of activities linked to the learning objectives from the National Curriculum. The three aims of the National Curriculum (fluency, reasoning and problem solving) underpin the teaching and learning of maths
EYFS: The EYFS EAT Maths Guidance is organised into 13 big ideas, including the current Early Learning Goals. They are all interdependent to each other and offer a foundation for the teaching and learning of mathematics in Early Years. |
Conceptual Understanding is key to the children understanding the maths and helping them to develop deep and secure knowledge. It is important that all children have the opportunity to use manipulatives to develop their conceptual understanding and to develop pictorial and procedural understanding. They need to visualise the maths, not revert to ‘tricks’.
Developing conceptual understanding and mastery works by giving all children opportunities to ‘build it, draw it, say, write it’. The CPA model is key to all good maths teaching in our trust.
All schools will implement the White Rose calculation policy and not rush through the stages until children are ready.
Active learning, opposed to passive learning, is important to support the children remembering what they are doing.
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." Benjamin Franklin
Planning – each school decides their own short term planning format, based on the needs of the staff – it is expected that there is something that will be annotated to show ongoing daily AfL.
Learning Sequences - one lesson or a series of lessons.
Assess/Review – What do the children already know? How do you know? What can you do to check? Prior Learning
Teach – teaching of the content and skills needed for success. Ensure there is modelling, checking, questioning, good vocabulary leading to good reasoning, copying
Practice – children need to practise/learn the particular content through practice without unnecessary or extra constraints
Apply – application of the knowledge learned in different contexts – these will show appropriate challenge for all.
Assess/Review – check what the children know now and what needs to be picked up through maths meetings or interventions. Allow time to teach any identified gaps.
Maths Meetings
3 x per week - 15-20 minutes additional to the maths lesson.
Whole class, building on fluency.
These to be planned to include recall of key skills dependent on year group and including weaknesses identified from QLA.
Frequent Low Stake Tests – regular diagnostic multiple choice tests could be a way to assess understanding and to inform of any gaps in understanding. (Hinge questions)
White Rose end of unit assessments are used.
Calculation Audit - Termly for each year group. Identify strengths and weaknesses for future maths meetings and lesson aims. (optional)
White Rose / PIXL Tests – used termly – good QLA will be next steps in learning.
SATs tests – Year 2 tests will be taken termly and analysed to inform future planning.
Pupil Perception Interviews – to analyse HOW children feel about maths and their mathematical mindset.
Key Websites to support planning and assessment:
www.whiterosemaths.com (subscription recommended)
www.ncetm.org.uk mastery documents & ready to progress criteria
www.deepeningunderstanding.co.uk subscription
www.nrich.maths.org reasoning and problem solving
www.mathsbot.com online manipulatives to model
www.youcubed.com inspirational maths/Jo Boaler
www.thirdspacelearning.com teaching ideas, blogs
www.wodb.ca odd one out problems for starters
- www.corbettmathsprimary.com 5-a-day arithmetic