Intent & Implementation

We share an embedded set of values to develop in every child the skills to be brave, ambitious and active learners who are strong communicators and creative thinkers. We aim for our children to leave Nelson empowered to have a voice, with a great range of knowledge, skills and experiences to take them forward in their education, and in their lives. We respect each other, ourselves and the world around us. We understand the feelings of others and look for opportunities to support each other by showing acceptance, tolerance, and empathy. We actively celebrate the uniqueness of all individuals, and this is reflected in our teaching curriculum. We encourage all stakeholders within our community to engage with local and national democratic processes. We promote curiosity and respect as we learn about the diversity of beliefs and social backgrounds that make up our society and our school, as well as the global population.
We aim to provide outstanding teaching so that every child builds on existing knowledge every day, and is motivated to engage and ask questions to enable them to remember more. Learners and teachers inspire each other by offering high expectations, scaffolded support and ambitious challenge. We encourage the children to be creative and innovative and to use their special talents to express original ideas and solve problems. We are all learners and our staff work hard to model endurance, resilience and persevering by embracing new knowledge, skills and application.
We use the Primary Knowledge Curriculum to ensure coverage and progression in Art and Design, Science, Geography and History. Our KS1 subject teams are driven by enthusiastic teachers who lead the following areas of learning; Maths, English, Geography, History, RE, Science, Forest Schools, Art and DT, Music, Computing, Relationships and Health Education, Thrive. It is important to us at Nelson that our teachers and teaching assistants have strong subject knowledge – we ensure this is maintained through subject specific CPD, shared resources and curriculum frameworks which incorporate high quality training. We foster collaboration with subject experts to ensure that children at our school achieve strong outcomes.
The research of Jane Conserdine underpins our teaching of writing through The Write Stuff. Each subject is carefully planned to incorporate the key knowledge, progression of skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum whilst also reflecting the needs of our children as part of the local and wider community. We plan half termly and select units which faciliate cross-subject learning and activities to we ensure that coverage is thorough and knowledge developed and retained. We end each project with a showcase – an opportunity for children share their learning with the school community, feel proud and recap knowledge. Computing is taught alone, although teachers plan for the use of technology throughout every subject area – iPads and chromebooks can be found in every classroom. QR codes are used to access curriculum linked platforms independently by children across EYFS and KS1 to revisit knowledge and practice skills. We stream phonics learning across the school to ensure rapid progress.
Maths is taught through a mastery approach, which is leading to significantly improved attainment and speed of progress and understanding. By enriching the curriculum to move beyond achieving grades alone, we create a learning structure that constantly builds contextual and conceptual knowledge. Our holistic approach also helps you to identify and support specific needs. As a result, we are helping to narrow the attainment gap, ensuring no child is left behind. The programme is carefully sequenced to enhance pupils’ understanding of maths. It is underpinned by the Dimensions of Depth, which address conceptual understanding, language & communication and mathematical thinking. These support mathematical problem solving and enable pupils to make connections between topic areas, draw on representations to support their thinking and be prepared to articulate, justify and explain this thinking.
Learning is organised across YR, Y1 and Y2 to ensure knowledge is built up, and layered in preparation for each new learning experience. We use the following curriculum frameworks to ensure coverage and progression, using our own bespoke progression of knowledge and skills documents to track and organise learning during teaching sessions: Phonics – Read Write Inc, Writing – The Write Stuff, Maths – Whote Rose, Primary Knowledge Curriculum – Geography, History, Science, Art, R.E. – Norfolk Syllabus (adapted), P.E. – Get into P.E.
Many skills can be applied across all curriculum areas. Opportunities to develop Oracy is key at Nelson. We aim that every child will become an avid reader, a fluent writer and a confident speaker. We provide many opportunities to learn new vocabulary and for the children to apply this knowledge in context across different areas of the curriculum. All our learning is based on the following lesson structure; prior learning, vocabulary, teach ‘I do’, talk task ‘We do’, independent task ‘You do’, plenary.
We believe that excellent teaching and learning, combined with a high-quality academic curriculum and the highest levels of support and nurture for all pupils, will ensure the highest standards are met.